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Master Test Plan

Document Master Test Plan
Author: Tomi
Version: Ver 0.1
Date: 12.2.2024

General information

A master test plan (MTP) is a high-level document that describes the overall testing strategy, objectives, and scope for a software project or product. It provides a comprehensive overview of the key decisions, resources, risks, and deliverables involved in the testing process. It also defines the relationship and coordination among different test levels, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. An MTP helps to ensure that the testing activities are aligned with the project goals and requirements, and that the quality of the software is verified and validated. You can find more information about MTPs from these sources:

Master Test Plan

1. Introduction

This document outlines the testing strategy for GUI guirillas, detailing the purpose, scope, and approach. GUI guirillas is described briefly along with the targeted aspects for testing. The goal is to ensure reliability, functionality, and performance, aligning with its intended use and user satisfaction.

2. Test Objectives

Functional Testing: Validate that all system functions perform as expected according to specifications.
Reliability Testing: Ensure the system operates consistently without failures over an extended period.
Performance Testing: Assess system responsiveness, throughput, and resource usage under various loads.
Usability Testing: Evaluate the user interface for intuitiveness, accessibility, and overall user experience.
Security Testing: Identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities to safeguard sensitive data and system integrity.
Compatibility Testing: Verify the system's compatibility across different platforms, browsers, and devices.
Scalability Testing: Determine the system's ability to handle increased workload and user base without degradation.
Regression Testing: Confirm that system modifications or updates do not introduce new defects or regressions.
Interoperability Testing: Ensure seamless integration and interaction with external systems and components.
Documentation Review: Validate the accuracy and completeness of system documentation to aid users and maintainers.

3. Test Items

System modules Interfaces Functionalities Data Inputs/Outputs User Scenarios Security Measures Compatibility

4. Features to be Tested

Improve dark mode colors Search location by name Change branding to team and JAMK branding Export Data to csv Export history Enforce secure coding practises Control acces to the server Regular updates Manual Testing Maintainable Documentation Tukko

5. Features not to be Tested

All features will be tested, to make sure that the project operates as intended.

6. Approach

Unit Testing: Individual components and functions will be tested in isolation to verify their correctness and functionality.
Integration Testing: The interaction between various components and modules will be tested to ensure they work together seamlessly.
System Testing: The system as a whole will be tested against its requirements and specifications.
Acceptance Testing: The system will be tested to ensure it meets the stakeholders' requirements and expectations.

7. Item Pass/Fail Criteria

Test will pass if it works as intented and has no bugs. Otherwise it will fail.

8. Suspension Criteria and Resumption Requirements

Suspension Criteria:

  • Testing activities will be suspended if a critical defect significantly impedes further testing progress or if there is a substantial risk to the integrity of the testing environment.
  • If resources required for testing become unavailable, such as hardware or software dependencies.

Resumption Requirements:

  • Testing activities will resume once the critical defect has been addressed and verified, ensuring that testing can continue effectively.
  • Upon the restoration of necessary resources, testing will resume to its full capacity.

9. Test Deliverables

  • Test Plan Document: Outlining the overall testing strategy, objectives, approach, and schedule.
  • Test Cases: Detailed descriptions of test scenarios, test steps, expected results, and actual results
  • Test Reports: Summarizing the results of testing activities, including test execution status, defects identified, and metrics.
  • Test Data: Sample data sets used for testing purposes, including inputs, expected outputs, and boundary conditions.
  • Test Logs: Records of test execution activities, including timestamps, test case statuses, and any errors encountered.
  • Tools and Software: Any licensed or open-source testing tools used during the testing process, along with documentation for their setup and usage.

10. Testing Tasks

Test Planning:

  • Define testing objectives, scope, and strategy.
  • Identify resources, including personnel and testing tools.
  • Develop the test plan document outlining the testing approach and schedule

Requirement Analysis:

  • Review and analyze project requirements, specifications, and user stories.
  • Create a traceability matrix to map requirements to test cases.

Test Execution:

  • Execute test cases according to the test plan and schedule.
  • Record test results, including actual outcomes and any deviations from expected results.
  • Perform exploratory testing to uncover defects not covered by scripted tests.

Training and Knowledge Sharing:

  • Provide training sessions for testers on testing tools, methodologies, and processes.
  • Share testing knowledge and experiences with the project team to foster continuous improvement.

11. Environmental Needs


  • Operating systems required for testing, including versions and configurations.
  • Testing tools and frameworks, such as test automation tools, performance testing tools, and defect tracking systems.
  • Web browsers and versions for compatibility testing, if applicable.
  • Database management systems (DBMS) and any required database configurations.
  • Virtualization software or containers for creating test environments if needed.


  • Access to the network environment where the software will be deployed and used.
  • Stable internet connectivity for accessing cloud-based resources or conducting web application testing.
  • Network configurations to simulate different network conditions, such as latency and bandwidth, for performance testing.

Test Data:

  • Sample data sets or production-like data for testing purposes.
  • Tools or scripts for generating synthetic test data if necessary.
  • Anonymization or masking tools to ensure data privacy and security during testing.


  • Security measures to protect sensitive data used during testing, such as encryption and access controls.
  • Security testing tools and protocols for assessing the system's security posture.

12. Responsibilities

Developer (Dev):

  • Collaborating with the test team to understand testing requirements and acceptance criteria.
  • Developing high-quality code that meets functional and non-functional requirements.
  • Participating in code reviews to ensure code quality and identify potential defects early.
  • Providing support to the test team in understanding system architecture and behavior.
  • Implementing fixes for defects identified during testing and participating in defect triage meetings.

Security Engineer (Sec):

  • Conducting security assessments and penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities.
  • Collaborating with the development team to implement security controls and best practices.
  • Reviewing code and architecture designs for security vulnerabilities.
  • Providing guidance on security requirements and compliance standards.
  • Participating in incident response and resolution for security-related issues.

Operations Engineer (Ops):

  • Providing input on testing requirements related to system deployment and infrastructure.
  • Setting up and configuring the testing environment, including hardware and software.
  • Monitoring system performance and stability during testing activities.
  • Collaborating with the test team to troubleshoot and resolve environment-related issues.
  • Participating in deployment planning and providing support for production releases.

Tester (Tes):

  • Developing test scenarios, test cases, and test data.
  • Executing test cases and documenting test results.
  • Identifying and reporting defects using a defect tracking system.
  • Participating in defect triage meetings and verifying defect fixes.
  • Contributing to the creation and maintenance of test documentation, including test plans and test reports.

Lead (Lead):

  • Overall planning, coordination, and management of testing activities.
  • Defining the testing strategy, objectives, and scope.
  • Allocating resources and assigning tasks to team members.
  • Monitoring progress and ensuring adherence to timelines and quality standards.
  • Reporting on test progress, results, and any issues or risks to stakeholders.

13. Staffing and Training Needs

Staffing Needs:

  • Additional testers or specialists in areas like automation or security may be required.
  • Experienced test leads or managers may be needed for coordination and oversight.

Training Needs:

  • Training on testing methodologies, tools, security, and soft skills can enhance the team's capabilities.

14. Schedule

uml diagram

15. Risks and Contingencies

Resource Constraints:

  • Risk: Insufficient staffing, tools, or infrastructure may delay testing activities.
  • Contingency: Prioritize critical testing tasks and consider outsourcing or reallocating resources if necessary.

Schedule Slippage:

  • Risk: Delays in development or deployment schedules may compress testing timelines.
  • Contingency: Implement risk-based testing to focus on high-priority areas and negotiate with stakeholders to adjust timelines if needed.

Technical Dependencies:

  • Risk: Unavailability of dependent systems or components may hinder testing activities.
  • Contingency: Identify and address dependencies early, collaborate with development and operations teams to ensure timely availability of required resources.

Environmental Issues:

  • Risk: Inadequate or unstable test environments may lead to unreliable test results.
  • Contingency: Establish robust environment management procedures, including version control and configuration management, and ensure environments are adequately provisioned and maintained.

Communication Breakdown:

  • Risk: Poor communication among team members and stakeholders may lead to misunderstandings and delays.
  • Contingency: Establish clear communication channels, hold regular meetings, and provide regular updates to ensure transparency and alignment across teams.

16. Approvals

Team leader, Dev and Tester will need to approve test plan before excecuting it.