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TC111-Ensure security training and awareness

Test Case description Check that...
Test Case ID TC111
Autohor/Designer AD1198
Date of creation 4.3.2024
Class non-functional

Test description / objective

Promote security awareness and training among development teams to foster a security-conscious culture. Encourage developers to follow secure coding practices and stay informed about the latest security threats and best practices.

This test case should verify.....

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Test pre-state * Start

Test steps

  1. Develop a comprehensive security awareness training program for development teams.
  2. Establish and distribute clear and concise secure coding guidelines for developers.

Test end-state

  • After running the test, development teams are actively engaged in security awareness training, follow secure coding guidelines, and stay informed about the latest security threats and best practices.

To be taken into account during test

  • Ensure the training program covers all relevant security topics and is accessible to all members of the development team.
  • Monitor feedback from developers to identify areas for improvement in the training program.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS if Development teams actively participate in security training activities, demonstrate understanding of secure coding practices, and apply them in their work.
  • FAIL if Low participation rates in security training, lack of adherence to secure coding guidelines, or unawareness of security threats and best practices among development teams.