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TC107-confirm History display

Test Case description Check that the data matches what is displayed
Test Case ID TC107
Autohor/Designer Tomi Jokinen
Date of creation 8.3.2024
Class functional/non-functional/acceptance

Test description / objective

Confirm that the data exported from the history matches what is displayed on the website.

This test case should verify.....

Links to requirements or other sources

  • Use case: confirm History display

Test pre-state * Start

Test steps

  1. Select data to be exported and export the file
  2. Compare exported data to the data shown on tukko

Test end-state

  • after test we confirm that everything is correct

To be taken into account during test

  • Check multiple stations and timeframes

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS if data matches what is displayed
  • FAIL if not