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TC105-Read Documentation

Test Case description Check that documentation is accurate and legible
Test Case ID TC105
Autohor/Designer Arttu Hiekkanen
Date of creation 04.03.2024
Class functional/non-functional/acceptance

Test description / objective

Test that the things described in the documentation match what is happening in the code. Check overall legibility of the documentation, that the structure of the documents makes sense and is generally understandable.

Links to requirements or other sources

Test pre-state * documentation and code written.

Test steps

  1. Read and check code.

Test end-state

To be taken into account during test

  • code matches documentation
  • structure is sensible

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS if Documentation matches code and is deemed good
  • FAIL if Documentation has irrelevant information, is formatted poorly or does not match the code.