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TC101-check Autocomplete suggestions

Test Case description Check Autocomplete suggestions
Test Case ID TC101
Autohor/Designer Tomi Jokinen
Date of creation 8.3.2024
Class functional/non-functional/acceptance

Test description / objective Check if the search bar provides autocomplete suggestions as the user types. Verify that suggestions are relevant and updated dynamically.

This test case should verify.....

Test pre-state * making sure everything is done and ready to be tested

Test steps

  1. Enter a keyword into the search bar.
  2. Observe if autocomplete suggestions appear beneath the search bar as you type.
  3. Verify that the suggestions are relevant to the entered keyword.
  4. Continue typing and observe if the suggestions dynamically update based on the entered text.
  5. Verify that the suggestions remain relevant and updated as you type.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 with different keywords to ensure consistency and accuracy of autocomplete suggestions.

Test end-state

  • After running the test, autocomplete suggestions should appear as the user types in the search bar. These suggestions should be relevant to the entered keyword and should update dynamically as the user continues typing.

To be taken into account during test

  • Ensure that the autocomplete feature does not suggest irrelevant or outdated results.
  • Verify that the suggestions accurately match the user's input.
  • Check for any lag or delay in updating suggestions as the user types.
  • Validate that the autocomplete functionality works smoothly across different browsers and devices.

Test result (Pass/Fail Criteria)

  • PASS if autocomplete suggestions appear promptly as the user types, remain relevant and updated, and accurately match the entered keywords.
  • FAIL if autocomplete suggestions do not appear, are irrelevant or outdated, fail to update dynamically, or do not accurately match the entered keywords.