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Historical data

A NoSQL database is required for the Traffic Visualizer's database. MongoDB is one of the most used and accepted NoSQL databases.

Historical traffic data is stored in the database so that end user may see what the traffic has been like in the past.

Author: Arttu Hiekkanen Date / Version: 09.02.2024

User roles

  • End user

Prerequisites / Conditions

  • Technical requirements met

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case

  1. The user open Traffic Visualizer
  2. User inputs the time frame of which they wish to receive results from
  3. Traffic data from this time frame is fetched from MongoDB
  4. If available, fetched data will be visualized for the user in Traffic Visualizer
  5. User can select to export data in their wanted format


No data may be available for the user specified time frame


If available, fetched data will be visualized for the user in Traffic Visualizer. If not available, nothing will be visualized.

Use frequency

Any time the Traffic Visualizer is used

Additional information

The number of time frames displayed at the same time is limited


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thanks to the original authors.