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Risk Management Plan

List the risks, assess their severity and probability, and try to consider measures on how the most serious / probable risks could be prevented in advance. In addition, it would be good to have a plan of how to act if the risk materializes. Attach the following section here:

RISK ID Description Severity Probality Responsible Action in case the risk escalates
RIS01 Team member gets sick S5 3 Team member Inform the team and the client if necessary.
RIS02 Git or other tool doesn't work S3 4 Team members Try to work on the project by other ways.
RIS03 Team member oversleeps S5 3 Team member Join on meeting as soon as possible.
RIS04 Difficulties with issues etc S2 3 Team members Ask help from other members or tutors/coaches
RIS05 Security vulnerabilities in the chosen technologies S3 3 Security team Regularly update and patch the software components, perform security audits, and follow best practices to mitigate potential security risks.
RIS06 Key team member leaves the project S2 4 Project manager Assess the impact on the project, redistribute responsibilities, and consider recruitment or knowledge transfer if necessary.
RIS07 Lack of sufficient testing or quality assurance S2 4 Testing team Review and improve testing processes, allocate dedicated resources for quality assurance, and conduct thorough testing at all stages.
RIS08 Incompatibility issues between different software versions S3 3 Development team Perform thorough compatibility testing, maintain version control, and collaborate with stakeholders to address any compatibility issues.

Severity descriptions

The severity class should be defined according the project

Severity class Description Other
S1 Force Major - Total show stopper
S2 Significant impact on project progress
S3 Possible
S4 Minor impact, minimal disruption
S5 No immediate affect, to be observed